Production Mobile Full HD

- 3 cameras Sony HXC-D70 Studio Setup
- 1 camera Sony HXC D100 R Studio Setup Triax Conection
- 1 camera Sony PMW 320 HD Camcorder XDCAM – Fiber Optic Sony Setup
- 3 camera Robotic Sony BRC-H700W 3CCD Full HD (Optional 2 angular lenses)
- 2 System Optical Fiber Sony CA-FB70 / HXCU-FB70
- 1 System Optical Fiber Blackmagic Atem Camera Converter, 300 mts Neutrik
- 1 CCU Sony HXCU-D70 HD-SDI (Camera control)
- 2 CCU Sony HXCU-FB70 HD-SDI Optical Fiber (Camera control)
- 1 CCU Sony D50 HD-SDI (Camera Control)
- 1 CCU Sony HSCU 300 (Camera Control)
- 2 Remote RCP 1530
- 1 Remote Sony RM-B170 100 mts.
- 2 Remote Sony RM-BR300 Robotic Camera Control BRC-H700W.
- 3 Cables de cámara 100 mts Multipin
- 1 Cable Optical Fiber Neutrik, Conector: Optical CON Neutirk, 300 mts
- 5 Cable Optical Fiber Sony CCFN-100
- 2 Cable Triax Canare Fisher 100m
- 10 Cable Coaxial Canare L5 CFW HD 100m c/u
- 8 fluid head tripods (2 Cartoni Delta, 3 Manfrotto, 1 Sachtler, 2 Miller)
- 8 camera phones intercom Telex.
- 2 Lens Canon Duplicator x20 HD (HDGC KJ20X8.2B IRSD)
- 1 Lens Canon x 20 HD
- 2 Lens Fujinon, x17, x16 HD (XA16X8A-XB8 1:1.9/8-1 28mm)
- 6 Game Controls for Foco y Zoom.
- 4 Viewfinder Sony DXF-C50WA, 5” Color Full HD Studio Setup.
- 1 System of comunicaction Kroma x cable integrated at camera system.
- 1 1 Switcher Ross Carbonite 1, 16 input, Bank Bus Occasional, 8 Out Aux, 4 Key, 2
Multiview Full HD. - 1 Dashboard Touch Screen 19” for upgrade Ross Carbonite
- 2 Multiview Sony LED 32” Full HD (8 Signal independent+PGM+PVW)=16
Signals+PGM+PVW - 1 Sony 25” Oled Trimaster Full HD For PGM
- 1 Sysytem Graphics Ross Xpression 3D Real Time Full HD
- 3 Recorder Blackmagic HyperDeck Studio Dual Slots SSD ProRes 422 HQ or LT.
- 9 Disc SSD 480Gb for recorders.
- 1 Replay Slow Motion Newtek 3 Play 440 4 Signal in / 2 signal out
- 1 PC Server i7 with DeckLink HD Extreme 3D Playback with Disc SSD.
Technical Manager
- 1 Matrix of Video BlackMagic VideoHub Compact 40×40 HD-SDI
- 2 Smart Control BlackMagic, control panel VideoHub routers.
- 2 Frame Synchronizer OpenGear Ross Multiformat
- 2 Processor TERANEX 2D Multiformat.
- 4 LCD 8” Blackmagic HD-SDI/SD-SDI (HD/SD) for multidestination.
- 4 LCD 4” SDI/CVBS for Play/Rec.
- 1 LCD Kroma 17” HD Technical Manager (In MTX)
- 1 Sony Trimaster OLED 17” Full HD for video operator
- 1 Monitor Wavefrom HD/SD (Forma de ondas y Vectorscopio) BlackMagic
- 1 Monitor Leader LV5333 For Manager Technical
- 1 Multiview SD for audio Operator.
- 1 Digital audio console Yamaha 01v96i /24 chanels/8 Bus/4 Aux/Master LR.
- 2 Monitors JBL Control 1 – 1 monitors of audio Sony.
- 1 PC for audio Dell
- 2 Telephone hybrid.
- 4 MIc Sennheiser 815 / 3 Mic Audio Technica MB1K
- 4 Headphone Sennheiser HD202 / 3 Headphone Audio Technica HTH-M20
- 3 Behringer P1
- 1 Behringer AMP 800
- 1 Sony C74 Super cardioid shotgun condenser
- 2 Sony ECM-NV1
- 1 UPS 5 KW, Full coverage of the mobile, autonomy 15 minutes.
- 2 System air conditioning.
- 1 roof platform for 1 workstation.
- Communication equipment UHF Motorola with own frecuancia.
Light Kit Optional
- 1 Light Kit Arri Fresnel (1 Fresnel 650w / 2 Fresnel 350w)
- 1 Kobold DLF575 S HMI 575w cold light
- 1 Dexel Flood Light warm light

Our equipment and qualified personnel are ready for your project